Lash Extension Before Care


- Remove all of your eye makeup with a water based makeup remover- even on your bottom lashes. This will ensure any foreign matter is removed and the area is completely clean. This will help your Lash Tech do their job properly and ensure the adhesive will work as it is supposed to. The glue will not work on top of lash primer or mascara!

- Take our your contact lenses. Your eyes are going to be shut for a long period of time. You may even take a nap and you don't want your contacts in when you sleep right! Tearing eyes or dry eyes make the process harder for you and your lash tech. Consider taking your case with you so they can be removed before your appointment.

- Most spas or salons offer tinting the lashes especially those with lighter hair. This will assist in adding visibility and makeup the process not only easier, but will also thicken the look of your lashes.


- Do not curl your lashes before your appointment. Your Lash Tech needs a clean and flat work area and cannot apply lashes properly if the natural lashes are unnaturally extra curled. This is also important in both the before and after care- so put the curler away for a while.

Lash Extension After Care



- Use Water Based mascara for the extensions only! Oil based products and those that are also waterproof are not appropriate for extensions and can damage the bond between your natural lash. IF and only IF you want to use mascara, only place mascara on the TIPS of your lashes.

- Remove your makeup EVERY night with a water based remover on a q-tip or pad mentioned above. Makeup can get stuck between the extension and your natural lash which may cause lifting.

- Regularly wash your lashes every night before bed. Lash Extension Cleansers are formulated to keep the glue intact and to get your lashes clean! Use a small makeup brush with the foam cleanser to make sure you get in between every lash. Move the brush with the cleanser in a gentle downward motion to remove the dirt from the extensions. DO NOT rub back and forth. Rinse with cold water and pat dry.

- After you shower or get them wet after the 24hr waiting period, you can dry your lashes by using a hair dryer on the COOL setting. Blow them dry from the bottom up. This keeps the curl and adds fluff. Getting rid of access moister keeps them lasting longer.

- Reshape your lashes after the shower as well. This is done by lightly brushing them and placing them in the desired shape.


- No Spas or Saunas for you for 2 days after procedure! The steam and heat can ruin your adhesive and a very important part of your after care is to keep them clean and dry immediately after your appointment.

- Do not get your lashes wet in any way for the first 24 hours after your appointment. This includes what was mentioned above, as well as getting sweaty at the gym, going to the pool, etc.

- Do not use lash curlers with your extensions. This may cause your extensions or your natural lashes to break under the extra pressure.

- Do not rub or pull on your lashes. It may be hard at first however doing either of these things will not only pull out the extension but may take your natural lash with it.

- Do not remove your extensions on your own! Either let them fall out naturally or book an appointment with your lash tech to have them removed.